Mission / Vision / Values

Our mission, vision, values and objectives as a global Christian non-profit organisation, are as follows.

Mission and Vision 1x


To communicate the good news of Jesus to all people through football.

Mission and Vision 2x


To see football ministry throughout every country and culture.


Church: We uphold the long-term, transformative role of the Church in the world.
Team: We identify and collaborate with others in the pursuit of shared goals.
Innovation: We seek to develop ministry that engages the culture.
Servant Heart: We follow the example of Jesus by leading through service.


1) To promote the growth of football ministry worldwide through football ministry tours, associations and partnerships with other Christian organisations.

2) To develop and deliver effective football ministry programs.

3) To equip Christians to engage the Church in football ministry.

4) To establish the organisational infrastructure necessary to support the effective pursuit of the above objectives.